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Read the advertising text to answer question

Learn a language in 2 week

“There has never been a _____________ way to learn a new language! Just spend an hour a day following Babel, a new online language course, based on the very _____________ language teaching theories. Most people can expect to reach fluency within six months, although the more time you spend on it, _______________ your progress will be. And at only $150 Babel is certainly _________________ most other similar courses, which often cost over $300. Apply online for Babel, the language course described as ‘________________ method to have been invented in the past decade, judging by its results’. And remember, we`re offering a 10% discount for the first 200 orders, so ________________ you apply, the better your chance of paying less!”

Mark the option that fills in the advertisement’s blanks with the correct adjetive forms.

According to the English grammar by adding the suffix "able" to the word: "accept":
Qual sentença está na forma comparativa?
mostrar texto associado
Analyze the sentences according to structure and grammar use.
1. The underlined words in the sentence “This long, pointed stick was first used as a weapon…” is an example of active voice in the past tense.
2. The words in bold “they” and “their”, in the text, are being used as a personal pronoun and a possessive adjective, respectively.
3. The negative form of the following sentence: “Do exercises for your arms, legs, back, and neck…” is “Don’t exercise your arms, legs, back, and neck…”.
4. The word ‘properly’ in “it’s important to warm up properly before practicing the javelin.” is an adverb that means correctly or satisfactorily.

Choose the alternative which contains the correct sentences.